VARK Questionnaire

We have a constant necessity to learn. It may be to achieve professional or personal goals. People have different ways to absorb information, which means that the way that one person learns, may not be the same for somebody else. 

What if you could know what kind of learner you are? Would it make the process easier? The answer, according to the company VARK Learn, is yes. Understanding what kind of learner we are can help us to create strategies to improve our process of learning, consequently making the process easier. The company offers the VARK questionnaire, and your answers define your profile.

The word VARK uses the initial letters of each kind of learner, where:
* There is one more kind that is the multimodal. This person learns with the combination of two or more profiles.

Visual (key words: different formats, space, graphs, charts, diagrams, maps and plans)
This preference uses symbolism and different formats, fonts and colors to emphasize important points. It does not include video and pictures that show real images and it is not Visual merely because it is shown on a screen.

Aural (key words: listening, discussing, talking, questioning, recalling)
This preference is for information that is spoken or heard and the use of questioning is an important part of a learning strategy for those with this preference.

Read/Write (key words: lists, notes and text in all its formats and whether in print or online)
This preference uses the printed word as the most important way to convey and receive information.

Kinesthetic (key words: senses, practical exercises, examples, cases, trial and error)
This preference uses your experiences and the things that are real even when they are shown in pictures and on screens.

Multimodal (key words: These are the various combinations of the four preferences below. If your VARK Profile is for Visual and Kinesthetic (VK) you will need to use those two descriptions and key words)
Some people with a multimodal preference need to have the same material presented in several of their modes in order to really learn it, while others can effectively learn using any single one of their multiple preferences.

See how you learn by clicking here

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