Let's play tonight?

Once upon a time... Oops! It is not a fairly tale. It is a real event! 

It happened on a sunny Friday. My friend and I were scheduled to play tennis. 
I started a conversation by text to make sure that our deal was on:

    J: Hey, will we play tennis today?

    V: Sure, I have to wash my dog first. Are you here in Mission Beach or at home? 
        Do you want to come to game night tonight?
    J: I'm at home. Yes, I think that's a good idea because I still need to go to the gym.
    V: Ok! Great plan! I can pick you up if you need a ride :) I'd be there about 6:30
    J: I'd love that! Great, I'll be ready at 6:30. Thank you so much.
    V: You're welcome!

At 6:30 I was ready. According to our schedule we were going to play tennis, I was waiting for my friend wearing perfect clothes for this activity! She picked me up on time, but when she arrived she was not wearing gym clothes. I thought "Hmmm maybe since we are going to play tennis close to her house, she plans on changing there", so I did not ask anything. On our way she said that she needed to go to the grocery store. Then we stopped at the grocery store. She bought some appetizers and beverages. I kept thinking that everything was normal: "She will stop at home, and she will change her clothes and drop off her stuff there". After, she drove a way that I did not know, but I thought that it was just a different way to go to her house. Later, we stopped at a totally unknown place to me. I started thinking that something was wrong, but I did not ask anything. Next, we got out of the car, and grabbed the groceries. I thought "Hey, what is happening?Are we playing in a different place? We cannot drink in public places, so where are we going?" Although, I was confused I kept my lips sealed. I started to think that we were not going to play tennis anymore. A few minutes later, I realized what happened. To my surprise we were not going to play tennis at night, we arrived at a friend's house to a "game night" which involves playing games with cards, board games, etc. I totally misunderstood my friend, and I was the joke of the night. And many other nights!

PS. I was the first "asshole" of the night... 🙄 

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