Look at this, it is a flag of Illinois

This is a mistake that I believe many people made it. It is not a funny story, but it was a mistake that made me learn.

I was in a trip with a friend in Colorado. We were at the Royal Gorge Bridge. Across the bridge there are signs with flags for each of the states in the US, what is pretty cool. I was walking on the bridge with my friend's brother, and I saw the Illinois sign, and I said him, "look, Illinois!". Well, in Brazil, we pronounce Illinois with the final "s", something like that: /il-i-noiz/. My brother's friend said, "It's not Illinois (/il-i-noiz/), it's Illinois (/IL-I-NOY/)."
He made me pronounce it many times that day.

Couple months later, I was talking with other friends, and I was telling that I have been in Illinois, and one of my friends said:

- Wow! You said Illinois better than many Americans.

That made my day!! Yeah, because listening to that my English is good is better than listening to that I am skinny. :) 

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